Paid vs Free: How to Decide Which Graphic Design Programs to Use
If you're a blogger with graphic design ideas you will want to use the right graphic design programs. Adding visually appealing graphics to your blog is one way to make it stand out and reinforce your brand. In addition to blog graphics you will need to create pins for Pinterest, social media graphics and more. If you're just starting out, you may not have the budget or want to spend the money for professional graphic design software. The industry standard is Adobe, with products like Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. These are the programs I use and prefer because they offer quite a bit of options. The company developed Adobe Creative Cloud, a monthly paid subscription alternative instead of spending hundreds of dollars to own the software.
How to Make Stock Images Fit Your Blog’s Brand
Editing your blog graphics and/or photos helps you stand out. Two reasons why your blog needs visually appealing graphics that you can customize is that it creates brand awareness and increases social sharing. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a graphic designer to edit stock photos. You just need to learn a few basics to get started. Follow these tips to start learning how to personalize stock images.
Why Your Blog Needs Visually Appealing Graphics
We’ve all heard that content is king. While it's true that quality content is important, bloggers need to consider other elements to stand out in a sea of blogs. As a blogger you want to have loyal followers and be known as an authority in your niche. But to achieve these goals, your content has to be seen by the right people. Creating visually appealing graphics is what will get you noticed by your target audience.