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7 Easy Steps for Creating Pinterest Pins That Get Shared Again and Again

Creating pins that get shared on Pinterest is all about using great images and the words you use to convey your message. You want to attract the reader’s attention so they will stop and click on your pin to share it and to click through to your blog post or sales page. Here are 7 easy steps to help you get started.

1. Choose the Right Images

Using images on Pinterest is a necessity; without images, there is no Pinterest. But you need to ensure that you use high-quality images that are legal to use. You can find images at a variety of free online photo sites as well as sites that charge per photo or have a membership plan. A great site for feminine styled photos is Styled Stock Society. Other great resources are Creative Market and Adobe Stock which gives you 10 FREE images when you sign up. They have quite a bit to choose from and the cost per photo is affordable.

You can also take them yourself with your smartphone or a quality camera. check out some free or paid online photography courses that can help you.  Some easy graphic design platforms like Canva are great to use. They also have images and tools for you to create your pins. This helps if you’re not familiar with how to use professional graphic design programs which can also be very expensive.

2. Make Pins the Right Size

Design a pinnable Image at 2:3 ratio. Pinterest recommends these sizes: 600 px wide x 900 px high or 735 px wide x 1102 px high or equivalent. If you go taller than these sizes your pin will not be distributed as widely as possible and may be truncated in the feed.

3. Use Effective Fonts and Colors

You can use two to three fonts to make your pin look more creative. Creative Market again has a variety of great fonts as well as graphics that you can try. Using bright, bold colors will also make your pin stand out. Keep your look consistent with all your pins.

Note: Always include your website/blog name and/or logo to each of your pins.

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4. Include a Description

Write a description with relevant keywords of what your pin will lead to as well as hashtags. KWFinder is a great online tool for finding keywords if you need help with this. This is important so that your pin will rank well in the Pinterest search results.

5. Use Defined Categories

As you create your Pinterest boards, ensure that each board has a defined category and that a pin that you create goes with that board. This will encourage people to follow your boards at a higher rate and share those pins.

6. Have a Clear CTA

A call to action is important and it doesn’t have to be direct as in “click here.” It can be implied with an image and the words combined with the image. The point is that it needs to be obvious what you want the reader to do.

7. Link to the Right Place

Be careful to link your pins to the right sales pages, blog posts, and/or other places to either purchase what you are recommending or take an action you want, like subscribing for your email messages.

This post may contain affiliate links.  I only recommend products or services
I believe can be an asset to your business. I hope you will find them useful!